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Why do conservatives hate immigrants? That's the question I hope to answer in this video, made in response to Leeja Miller's "Why Conservatives Hate Immigrants." I'll be discussing the problems I had with Leeja's presentation as well as presenting my own case for the right-wing perspective. Enjoy!

Screamer's Art Emporium (The Guy Who Made the Avatars!):
https://twitter.com/ScreamerArt (@ScreamerArt)

Ghesss (The Guy Who Had to Sit Through My Script Before It Was a Video!):
https://twitter.com/3Sghess (@3Sghess)

My new music channel:

Leeja Miller's video:

Do NOT harass or spam anyone I respond to. When you present as one of us, you represent all of us. Keep any and all disagreements with the original content creator as polite and respectful as reasonably possible.

0:00 Introduction
1:27 Leeja's Opening and Disingenuous Framing
3:26 Is It Always Wrong to Discriminate?
4:36 Historical Context and More Bad Framing
6:43 National Identity & In-Group Preference
8:20 How Different Groups View Themselves vs Out-Groups
9:13 The Validity of IQ, Heritability, & Bias in Testing
10:58 A Brief Interlude
11:43 Race, Whiteness, and the Irish
12:25 Race as a Genetic & Biological Reality
13:00 Race as a Social Construct
14:15 Noel Ignatiev
15:30 Conclusions On Race
15:58 Another Interlude
16:27 The Great Replacement
17:53 Do White People Need a Bogeyman to Oppose Replacement?
18:45 Statistics
19:02 The Ol' Switcheroo
21:39 Welfare
23:27 Crime
23:49 A Primer On Hispanic Crime Data
24:59 Drug Crime
26:04 Violent Crime
27:42 Conclusion
28:26 Why Do Conservatives Hate Immigrants?
29:13 Outro & Credits
30:31 Outtakes

The collaborative effort "Songs of Lamentation" by Byron De La Vandal and Paddy Tarleton. As per my usual excuse, I am uploading this for archival purposes if I ever wish to reference this album in future videos. I held off on posting this for a long time because I was under the impression that mirrors of this record still existed (it seems that they no longer do).

I have several original projects in the works at this time, including but not limited to a series of videos detailing my views on race, so if you're interested in my content and would like to see more, please stay tuned. And thanks as always for your continued patience and support. Until then, I hope you enjoy the music.

1. A Knock At Midnight
2. To Keep and To Bear
3. The Scum From the New York Times
4. Up and Over
5. Never Forget What They've Taken From You
6. Robert Cobb of Dixie
7. Love is Teasing [Featuring Saiorse Rook]
8. March On, Christian Soldiers
9. Red River Valley
10. We Shall Overcome
11. Our Misfortune [Featuring Saiorse Rook]

Alternatively titled, "'The Dark Side of Vtubers' is a Dishonest, Unfinished Disaster." But I didn't want to be hyperbolic or anything.

Intro Song: "Kulikitaka" (by Ironmouse)
Outro Song: "Fly Me to the Moon" (by Nyatasha Nyanners)

Pax Tube's Original Video: "The Dark Side of Vtubers" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtt8QIxtztg]

A long time coming, my track-by-track review of the collected works of Byron De La Vandal. I know that this format differs greatly from my previous album reviews, so feedback would be much appreciated.

The album I'm referencing can be found here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/d07aMts1DiLr/

Pug things are pug.

Original clip from "K-On! The Movie." I would highly recommend both the series and the film.

It's called we do a little Spencer-posting.

Original upload: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-dDgJsecok

An EP by RWDS performed under the pseudonym "Rouse." Unlike the obvious parody works of "Blink-1488" and other RWDS classics, this album bears a softer, more acoustic/alternative feel to it, and seems to be comprised of original compositions rather than rewritings of popular songs.


1. Identity
2. Not Our Own
3. Solidarity Song
4. Stay Strong
5. The Redpilled Blues

The second record from the parody project "Blink-1488," performed by RWDS. The title "Put On Your Cloak and Burka" is a direct reference to the album "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket" by Blink-182. As per my usual excuse, I am uploading this for archival purposes if I ever wish to reference this album in future videos.


1. Stay Together for the Future Generations
2. Saddam's Song
3. All the Rapefugees
4. The Jew
5. Zionists Exist
6. Revealing This
7. I Guess This is Getting Cucked
8. Fascists

The first record from the parody project "Blink-1488," performed by RWDS. The title "Enema of the Caliphate" is a direct reference to the album "Enema of the State" by Blink-182. As per my usual excuse, I am uploading this for archival purposes if I ever wish to reference this album in future videos.


1. Privilege
2. Bloodline Strong
3. Someone Else's Mess
4. What's My Race Again?
5. Truth Overload
6. Civil War 2
7. 7 + 7
8. Aryans in Space

A highlight from the "Debating Adam Smasher" livestream clipped/edited by my good friend Adam Apocalypse, better known as "Less Important Adam." Apologies for the language, this guy got a bit under my skin.

The full debate with Adam Smasher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tle9zM9xqdA

Also known as "The 2013 Die EP" or "The Die 2013 EP." This edition comes with two extra songs, as well as an alternate version of the classic hit "Kill All the Gays (And the Faggots)." Uploading this to share with all of you as well as for my own future reference should I ever feel the compulsion to review this record.

1. Be Mean With Me
2. Using Drugs
3. Murderin' Man
4. Neegar
5. Untitled Buzzfeed Project
6. Kill All the Gays (And the Faggots)
7. Summer Gun Jam
8. Kill All the Gays (And the Faggots) [Alternate Version]

[Originally streamed to YouTube on 11/21-22/2020]

Debating YouTuber Adam Smasher of "AdamSmasher's Time" on the topic of the great replacement.

You can find Smasher's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdamsmashersTime

Quick meme. I promise the next video will be something substantial.

Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZgmIx3FmKc
Film/Clip: "Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade"
Song: "The Only Thing They Fear is You" by Mick Gordon (from the "Doom Eternal" OST)

A song that I missed from my earlier compilation. I caught it floating around the web under both "The Persian Girl" and "A Tribute to the Persian Girl." Regular content should (hopefully) resume shortly.

You can find the rest of the collected works of Byron De La Vandal here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/d07aMts1DiLr/

A fan-compiled album featuring the collected works of Byron De La Vandal. I plan to have a review out on Vandal's music sometime in the near future (the script is currently being written at the time of this upload), but until then feel free to have a listen for yourself.


1. We're Revolutionaries
2. Victory in Our Stars
3. Blowing in the Wind
4. You Know I'm Right
5. The King
6. The Greatest Thing (That Man Has Ever Done)
7. Nuclear Shadows On the Wall
8. Black is the Color
9. Onward Christian Soldiers
10. Diddle-I Diddle-O
11. Bugman Blues
12. Stiff Upper Lip
13. Blood and Soil
14. Goodnight My Someone [Bonus Track]

And another one that I missed: "The Persian Girl" [https://www.bitchute.com/video/xbKeAPGR1hSU/]

An off-the-cuff discussion about ethnonationalism, the state, the JQ, intellectual property, and the libertarian conception of children with singer/songwriter and libertarian YouTuber Eric July. I sacrificed 2 whole dollars to bring you this video. I hope you enjoy it.

For context: I contacted Eric via email one night proposing to debate the topic of white nationalism, to which he responded by reading the email aloud on his livestream and saying "sure, but not now." Later that same evening, I was able to catch his attention on Twitter, asking him when he would like to hold the debate. He told me to email him, something that I had already done. So I emailed him again the next day (to no avail), and later that night Eric announced over another livestream that he was currently lining up some debates/discussions for future streams. I decided to pop into the live chat and ask when he would make time for me, seeing as I had already asked him twice and received zero answers despite being acknowledged both times. Frustrated by my apparent pestering, he invited me on for an impromptu debate, and after a good five or so minutes of me fumbling about trying to get my microphone to function properly, we had this discussion. And- all things considered- I think that it went rather well. Hopefully in the future, Eric and I can come to a more official arrangement to talk about the JQ someday (as was mentioned during the stream).

Eric's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/youngrippa59
Full livestream w/ chat (members only): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg7GH4C_l7U

Intro Music: "Democracy Sucks!" by BackWordz.

I'm just glad that he said it, so that I didn't have to.

Live from the hard streets of Georgia, Brakeen Noose delivers the latest scoops on all things music in another installment of BNMN.

Check out my debate with Eric July: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=607SvifLIP4

Outro Music: "Whiteboy" (by Tom MacDonald)

[Removed from YouTube for "hateful content."]

A fun compilation of a fun show with fun music overlayed, dedicated to the good goys who helped me to swallow the red pill. It's probably sad how much I enjoyed putting this together.

Songs: "Einklang (Wenn der Donner...)" / "Wir Tragen die Zeit" (by Heiliger Krieg)

Check out Murdoch Murdoch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjqVanJab9rt5BBBK0iEfyw

Or go to: https://www.cheekyvideos.net / https://www.murdochmurdoch.net/

[Originally uploaded to YouTube on 06/10/2018]

An anthem for the Alt-Left. Just something I whipped-up in my spare time, because I hate people and love music.

Music: "Teenagers" (by My Chemical Romance)

Update: Since posting this video, Miles Markus has blocked me on Twitter. And Hilda is still really cool.

A sleepy, slightly perturbed weasel defends a children's cartoon from a paranoid white man with too much beard and a bad opinion; delving into subjective interpretations of art and how artists aren't responsible for them. Starring Mike Enoch as the troll rock.

Original Article: https://medium.com/@mizimer/can-hilda-liberate-european-fantasy-from-white-supremacists-f77d252b0b1e

Background Music: "Walk in the Park" (by Charlie ToØ Human)
Background Visuals: No Copyright Motion Graphics [https://www.youtube.com/user/freemotionbacks]
Outro Visuals: CyberWebFX [https://www.youtube.com/c/CyberWebFX]
Outro Music: "Some Kind of Love" (by The Killers)

[Originally uploaded to YouTube on 10/26/2018]

An unscripted rant about my experiences on Twitter and my engagements with some of the musicians that I follow there, as well as a broader discussion about the apparent intolerance that has begun to spread amongst modern artists and the negative effects it could potentially have on the medium as a whole.

Background Music: "Wonder (Aso Remake)" (by Tom Misch)
Background Visuals: No Copyright Motion Graphics [https://www.youtube.com/user/freemotionbacks]
Outro Visuals: CyberWebFX [https://www.youtube.com/c/CyberWebFX]
Outro Music: "See You Again" (by Tyler, the Creator/Kali Uchis)

[Originally uploaded to YouTube on 09/09/2018]

More like Ten Second Wrongs.

Intro Song: "Dead!" (by Piano Rocks, originally by My Chemical Romance)
Outro Song: "Wastelands" (by Linkin Park)
Outro Video: "Robot Rock" (by Daft Punk)

Ten Second Songs' Original Video: "Why Rock Is Dead (And Rap Wins)" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWgoyZHTpEk]

[Originally uploaded to YouTube on 07/21/2018]

Punk is dead and Trump is your president.

[Originally uploaded to YouTube on 07/05/2018]

Serial-killers, metal-heads, and trans-folk, oh my! Discussing JT Tollas' new side-project Postscript and their first music video, "Picture Day."

Intro Song: "Killing Zone" (by Famous Last Words)
Outro Song: "Fading Memories" (by Famous Last Words)
Outro Video: "One in the Chamber/The End of the Beginning" (by Famous Last Words)

*Those sources that I mentioned:

1.) Transgendered individuals face a 40 percent-plus suicide rate.

- "Transgender Americans face high suicide risk" [http://www.nbcnews.com/id/40279043/ns/health-health_care/t/transgender-americans-face-high-suicide-risk/#.Wz7IhLhG3IU]
- "The Truth About Transgender Suicide" [https://www.huffingtonpost.com/brynn-tannehill/the-truth-about-transgend_b_8564834.html]
- "The Transgender Suicide Rate Isn't Due To Discrimination" [http://thefederalist.com/2016/07/07/evidence-the-transgender-suicide-rate-isnt-due-to-discrimination/]

2.) Sex-change operations do not help or are otherwise harmful to a transgendered individual's health (including instances of sex-change regret).

- "Sex changes are not effective, say researchers" [https://www.theguardian.com/society/2004/jul/30/health.mentalhealth]
- "Research I've found" [http://www.sexchangeregret.com/research]
- "Regret Isn’t Rare: The Dangerous Lie of Sex Change Surgery’s Success" [http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2016/06/17166/]
- "Transgender Regret Is Real Even If The Media Tell You Otherwise" [http://thefederalist.com/2015/08/19/transgender-regret-is-real-even-if-the-media-tell-you-otherwise/]

Also, Black Pigeon Speaks' video on gender dysphoria is pretty informative (albeit rambly and unfocused, despite the sharp production quality). You can find it here:

- "The Transgender: Normalizing MENTAL ILLNESS" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDAU3SPYFsA]


Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

30 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Opinionated commentary on art and artists presented in a critical, sometimes humorous context.